Blocked (Suspended) Cards


Last Update 6 months ago

Miden prioritizes security and financial well-being. To mitigate risks and protect our merchants, some cards might be blocked in certain situations. Let's delve into the reasons behind blocked cards and address related concerns

Reasons for Blocked Cards

  1. Three Consecutive Failed Transactions Due to Insufficient FundsA customer's card will be temporarily blocked after three consecutive failed transactions due to insufficient funds. Cardholders need to be aware of their card balances to avoid these issues. This is done to reduce the number of failed transaction charges that the merchant has to bear.

    NOTE: If after a card has been unblocked, and said card is involved in 2 consecutive failed transactions (due to insufficient funds) post-unblocking, this card will be automatically terminated.
  2. Non-Miden Refunds: As a security measure, your card may be blocked if you receive a refund for a transaction not initiated by Miden (e.g., merchant-initiated or chargebacks). This allows us to verify the source and legitimacy of the refund before reactivating your card.
  3. Suspected Fraudulent Activity: If Miden’s transaction monitoring tools detect suspicious activity on a card, such as unusual spending patterns or attempted transactions from unfamiliar locations, the card could be blocked as a precautionary measure to prevent potential losses. 

Important Note: When a card is blocked by Miden, merchants won’t be able to unblock this card on their end, and are required to escalate this on our support channel. The cardholder will also not be able to perform new transactions until the card is unblocked.

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