June Release Notes- Miden Merchant Application

Optimisations and Enhancements πŸŽ‰

Eniola Athanson

Last Update 2 months ago

Exciting New Features:

  1. Wallet Balance Breakdown: View detailed breakdowns of wallet balances for clearer financial management. πŸ’°
  2. Unblock Merchant Once: Ability to unblock a merchant ID for a particular cardholder once, which blocks again after a transaction is carried out. πŸš«βž‘οΈβœ…
  3. Updated Card Rules:
    • Insufficient Funds: Cards will be terminated after 5 failed transactions due to insufficient funds.
    • Newly Issued Cards: Newly issued cards will be terminated after three failed transactions due to insufficient funds.
    • Blocked Merchant IDs: Cards will be terminated after three declines due to blocked Merchant IDs. πŸ“‹
  4. Implementation of Customer Service Role:
    • Limited to Cards, Collections, Payout, and wallet sections.
    • Full card PAN details are masked and can’t be exposed by this user.
    • Can view wallet transactions but cannot withdraw or convert funds.
    • Can only download transactions of a single card, and cannot export transactions or cards.
    • Can only view and update their account password, and nothing else.
    • Available for both existing and new team members. πŸ‘₯

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  1. Updated MCC Restrictions: Included service stations and ride-hailing services in MCC restrictions. πŸš—β›½
  2. Fixing of Card Termination and Freezing Reason: Dynamic reasons for card termination and freezing, enhancing clarity and transparency. πŸ“‹
  3. Ability to View Card Balance After Transaction: Users can now view their card balance immediately after a transaction for better tracking. πŸ’³
  4. Restrictions on Team Members: Limited the number of team members that can be added to 5 πŸ‘₯
  5. Password Rules: Enhanced security with password resets required every 3 months and disallowing the last 3 passwords used. πŸ”’

For any inquiries or assistance, reach out to our Miden support team or raise a ticket here. We're here to help.

Best regards,

The Miden Team ⭐️

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