May Release Notes- Miden Merchant Application

Optimisations and Enhancements πŸŽ‰

Eniola Athanson

Last Update 2 months ago

Exciting New Features:

  1. New Webhooks: We have added new webhooks for the following scenarios:
    • Card termination after two attempts to use an inactive card for payment.
    • Termination of newly issued cards that fail transactions due to insufficient funds.
    • Card termination after two declines due to blocked MIDs. 🌐

  2. Filter Card Transactions by Transaction Type: Easily filter card transactions by their type for better tracking and management. πŸ”
  3. Export Card Transactions: Users can now export card transactions for detailed analysis and reporting. πŸ“Š
  4. Phone Number Field at Sign-Up: The phone number field now accommodates international numbers, making the sign-up process more inclusive. 🌍
  5. Increase Limits on Corporate Cards: The limit on corporate cards has been increased from 3 per customer to 10 per customer, providing more flexibility. πŸ’³
  6. Default Card Type: The default card type is now set to Visa if no specific card type is selected during creation. 🏦

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  1. Copy Functionalities: Fixed issues with copy functionalities across cards, accounts, and wallet modules for smoother operations. πŸ”§
  2. Compliance Module: Users can now see the reason for document rejection in the compliance module, enhancing transparency. πŸ“‹
  3. Summary Counters for Card Customers: Summary counters now display all customers instead of just the sum of customers per page. πŸ“ˆ
  4. Proper Card Type Display: Card types now correctly show as reloadable or non-reloadable, rather than just lodged cards. 🎴
  5. Notification Implementation: Notifications now prompt users to use work or company emails rather than generic ones during sign-ups. πŸ“§
  6. Terminated and Frozen Cards Display: The display for terminated and frozen cards now blurs out card details, ensuring better security. πŸ”’

Platform Optimizations:

  1. End-of-Day Notification on Negative Balances: Designated administrators will receive end-of-day notifications listing potential negative balances for proactive management and timely resolution. ⏰
  2. Reserved Balance: This new feature displays cumulative negative balances. Once a card’s balance is regularized, the available balance will be positively adjusted. πŸ’°

For any inquiries or assistance, reach out to our Miden support team or raise a ticket here. We're here to help.

Best regards,

The Miden Team ⭐️

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