Requesting a card to be unfrozen or unblocked

Raising requests straight from your dashboard.


Last Update 3 months ago

Step 1: Access the Card Management Page

Open your Miden application, and navigate the the "All Cards" module.

  1. In the ‘Card’s List’ table, identify the card that is currently frozen. The ‘Status’ column will indicate this.
  2. Proceed to view the card.
Step 2: Request to Unfreeze Card

Viewing the card will open a detailed view of the specific card that is frozen

  1. Click on “Request Unfreeze”. 
  2. This will Instantly notify our operations team to unfreeze the card

Step 3: Confirm Unfreeze Request

After clicking on “Request Unfreeze,” a pop-up window should appear indicating the status of your request.

That’s it! Your card unblocking request has been successfully submitted and should be processed shortly.

This saves you the time of having to copy card details and then proceeding to slack to raise a request, you can raise this straight from your dashboard.

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