Transactions on Blocked Cards


Last Update 6 months ago

This guide covers how blocked Miden cards handle transactions, refunds, and the steps customers should take if their card is blocked. It offers insights into processing approved transactions, handling attempts on frozen cards, and the current state of auto refunds. Understanding these areas is crucial for providing effective customer support and staying informed about Miden's upcoming enhancements.

Transaction Attempts on Frozen/Blocked Cards:

While you can still attempt transactions on a frozen or blocked card, the transaction will not be successful. This is because authorization will not be granted due to the blocked status of the card.

Settlements on Previously Approved Transactions:

Even if your card is currently blocked, settlements for transactions that were approved before the block will still be processed. You can expect these transactions to reflect in your account balance as usual.

Important Note: If the card is tied to a subscription platform and the acquiring merchant tries to bill the card for services already rendered, during the period the card is blocked, then this transaction fails, resulting in unauthorised transaction charges, or failed transactions as a result of insufficient balance as the case may be.

We advise that your customers remove their cards from active subscriptions. 

Auto Refunds

Auto refunds are processed for all cards (Active, Suspended and Terminated). However, for terminated cards, the cardholder will not have access to the refunded amount as this is directly sent to the Merchant's position.

Miden continues to provide a seamless and efficient refund experience to all customers.

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